


Making Tenant or Guarantor Inactive on a Tenancy

How to manage tenant and guarantor status changes on a tenancy.

If a tenant or guarantor is no longer required to be included on a tenancy going forward they can be made inactive as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Applicants section

  2. Click on the ellipsis menu (3 dots) button on the bottom right side of the card relating to the tenant/guarantor

  3. Select the 'Make Inactive' option

Once inactive the tenant/guarantor will be added to an 'Inactive Applicants' group. Inactive applicants can be made active again using the 'Make Active' option in the ellipsis menu on the card relating to that inactive applicant.

Any inactive tenants/guarantors will no longer be able to access the tenancy information or complete any tasks for that specific tenancy on their Tenant Dashboard.


  • The Lead Tenant can not be made inactive. A new tenant must be nominated as the Lead Tenant before they can be made inactive.

  • Adjusting any tenancy data will not affect final tenancy agreements documents that have already been issued for eSign. The Final Tenancy Agreement task will need to be reissued in order to reflect any tenancy data adjustments.

If you need further help or information, please get in touch.

See how we can improve your tenancy process.

Pink Chilli Software Ltd

Pink Chilli Software Ltd