


Product Updates April 2024

15 April 2024

Tenancy Offer Summary Document Export

You can now easily export a comprehensive summary of all the data gathered during the tenancy offer process to a PDF file. This feature allows you to share the tenancy offer details with landlords who may not have access to the platform, ensuring seamless communication and transparency.

Access for all additional Tenants, Guarantors and Landlords to view the Draft Tenancy Agreement

We have expanded access to the draft tenancy agreement, allowing all tenants, guarantors, and landlords included in the tenancy to view it throughout the setup process. This enhancement promotes better collaboration and helps iron out any contract details early on, saving you valuable time.

Audit load speed improvement

We have optimised the performance of our data audit feature, resulting in faster loading times. This improvement applies to all main sections of the platform, enabling you to access and review changes made to records and subrecords more efficiently.

If you would like to set up any of the features mentioned, or need any other help, please get in touch.

See how we can improve your tenancy process.

See how we can improve your tenancy process.

See how we can improve your tenancy process.

Pink Chilli Software Ltd